Call for Applications: European Doctoral Programme in the Human and Social Sciences

November 7, 2010

Doctoral Programme “Europe and the Invention of Modernity”

Our department is a partner in the doctoral curriculum “Europe and the Invention of Modernity”, in cooperation with four other doctoral schools (Instituto Italiano di Scienze Umane, Florence; École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris; École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris; Humboldt Universität, Berlin). The curriculum is the first among several ones organized by the consortium in the framework of the European Doctoral Programme in the Human and Social Sciences.

“Europe and the Invention of Modernity” aims to combine the considerable expertise available at the five partner institutions in providing young researchers with advanced training in the historical disciplines. Its curriculum is comparative, transnational and interdisciplinary. It has a specifically European perspective, not only as regards its scientific objectives but also in the way it is structured. The teaching programme consists of four intensive thematic seminar cycles, each of them hosted by a different consortium member. Students admitted in the programme work with a supervisor appointed from one of the partner institutions, but may receive guidance from any member of the teaching faculty which includes scholars also from outside the consortium.

The programme is in its second year now, and a new call for applications has been published with a deadline of 17 January 2011. Four fellowships will be available on a competitive basis. Please see the call for applications for further details.

