Hanak Prize Winners

Since 1997, the History Department has recognized outstanding research by its MA students, and since 1998 special recognition has taken the form of the Peter Hanák Prize, in honor of the founding Chair of the department. One or more Hanák Prizes have been awarded annually. The Prize (a book gift) goes to the author(s) of the best theses of the year determined on the basis of nominations by supervisors and evaluations by other faculty members.


Aleksandr OrlovRussia, Austria, and Old Believers: The Entanglements of Religious and Foreign Policies in 1846-1856

Lawson PaceNegotiating Empire at the Periphery: Corruption, Banditry, and Bureaucratic Argumentation in Ottoman Yemen, 1888-1914


Pavel IushinHow Science Went Bankrupt: Pavel Florensky and the Crisis of Scientific Rationality in Fin-de-Siecle Europe

Iuliia Khabibulina: "This Fiery Cemetery:" Analysis of the Soviet Visual Discourse around the Moscow Crematoirum in the 1920S and the Early 1930s


Hana AbramsonCrowning Hebrew Beauty: Gender, Race, and (Trans)Nation in the Interwar Pageants of Warsaw, Tel Aviv, and Beyond

Alperen Arslan: Measuring Empire: The Emergence of Climate Science in the Ottoman Empire


Katarzyna Swierad-Redwood: Pedagogy of the Confessed: International Christian Humanism from the Sixteenth Century Classroom to the Seventeenth Century Pulpit

Oluwafunmilayo Akinpelu: From Postcolonial to Global Trajectories: Nigerian Novels and the Literary-Generational Historical Model


Margarita Pavlova: Political in Form, Cultural in Content: Civic Activism and Historic Preservation in Leningrad during Perestroika

Camilla Pletuhina-Tonev: The Patriarchate of Pec as a Contested Frontier of Faith and Loyalty: Islam, Orthodoxy, and Catholicism in the 18th-century Ottoman Balkans


Ivana Pruchova: Farce After Velvet: Satirical Programmes in the First Years of Czech Public Television


Stefan Gužvica: Learning Leninism: Factional Struggles in the Communist Party of Yugoslavia during the Great Purge (1936–1940) 

Zsolt GyöregyPolite Carnival: Purim Festivities within the Sephardi Community of Seventeenth-Century Amsterdam

Reynolds HahamovitchToward the Jewish Revolution: Yiddish Anarchists in New York City, 1901-1906

Ivana Mihaela Žimbrek: Mirrors of the City: Department Stores, Urban Space and the Politics of Retail in Socialist Yugoslavia (1950s-1960s)


Ksenia Litvinenko: Building Soviet Vyborg: Architectural Encounter in the Soviet-Finnish Borderland, 1960s-1980s

Vojtech Pojar: Quality over Quantity: Expert Knowledge and the Food Politics in Prague, 1914-1918


Povilas Dikavicius: Pompa Funebris: Funeral Rituals and Civic Community in Seventeenth Century Vilnius


Jelena Ćulibrk: Aliens at Harwell: British Representations of Nuclear Science and Nuclear Scientists, 1945 - 1961

Jian ZhangDeal with the Supreme, Authoritative Space and Commercial Space in Sung Dynasty Kaifeng and Renaissance Florence


Cosmin Tudor Minea: An Image for the Nation: Architecture of the Balkan Countries at the 19th Century Universal Exhibition in Paris

Emese Muntan: From Apocalyptic Prophecy to Political Discourse: The Relationship between the Theological and the Political in Reformed Funeral Speeches in Mid-Seventeenth Century Principality of Transylvania


Ahmet Bilaloglu: The Ottomans in the Early Enlightenment: The Case of Public Libraries in the Reign of Mahmud I (1730-54)

Adela-Gabriela Hincu: Children of the Cultural Revolution "Gone Astray": The Forlorn 1970s Generation of German Writers from Socialist Romania

Adam Mezes: Insecure boundaries. Medical experts and the returning dead on the Southern Habsburg borderland


Nikola Baković: Yugoslav state propaganda for the economic emigrants in West Germany 1966-1975 

Agoston Berecz: The Castle of Knowing Hungarian: Hungarian Language Teaching in the Eastern Part of Dualist Hungary

Martin Pjecha: From protecting god's law to spreading faith and vengeance : human agency and the shift towards offensive warfare in the Hussite discourse 


Dmitry Mordvinov: Searching for an Imperial Ideology: the Concept of Nationality in the Works of Count Uvarov and the Journal of the Ministry for Public Enlightenment, 1833-1849

Georg Matthias Winkler: Revolution in the city: Public space and political discourse in Pest-Buda and Prague 1848


Zsuzsa SidóHungarian Noble Architecture in the Late 19th Century: A case study of the Andrássy and Károlyi Families' Country Houses (Betlér, Tiszadob, Füzérradvány, Nagykároly)

Pavel Vasilyev:  Poisons of Civilization, Remnants of Capitalism, or Jewish Disease? Drug Addiction in Russian and German Medical Texts from the 1870s to the 1930s


Yulia Karpova: The Stilyagi: Soviet Youth (Sub)Culture of the 1950s and its Fashion

Mircea Scrob: Diet Changes and Society: The Shift from Mamaliga to Wheaten Bread in the Case of the 19th Century Romanian Peasantry

Piotr Wcislik: What Does it Mean that Communism has Ended? Disintegration of the Dissident Counterculture and Politics of Memory in Post-Communist Poland.


Iona Macrea-Toma:  Radio Free Europe in Paris: the Paradoxes of an Ethereal Opposition

Irina Denischenko Towards a Reconciliation of the Carnivalesque with Bakhtin's Christian Weltanschauung


Maria Alina Asavei: Rewriting the Canon of Visual Arts in Communist Romania. A Case Study


Ida Ljubić:  Representation of History in the 18th and 19th Century Bosnian Franciscans’ Chronicles

Tatiana Khripachenko: The Uses of Pacifism: National and Imperial Advocates of Peace in the Russian Empire (late 19th – early 20th centuries)


Vladimir Petrović: Clio Takes the Stand: Historical Narratives in the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

Maria Falina: Church Discourse in Serbian Politics: 1890s–1914


Tünde Barta: Divorce in the Reformed Church. The Case of the Szék District in the 17th Century


Domagoj Madunić: Vinko Pribojevic and the Glory of the Slavs

Gergő Baics: The role of radio communication in the Hungarian revolutionary crisis of 1956

Narcis Tulbure: Mixed Times: Drink, Work And Leisure In Oltenia In Late Communism And Post-Communism


Viktor Taki: Time and Change in the Political Theory of Machiavelli

Oana Mateescu: Making Persons, Placing Objects: Narratives of Theft in Southern Romania


Júlia Berest: The Theory of Supreme Royal Power in Early Modern England and Russia. Political Writings of James VI/I and Feofan Prokopovich

Olga Poato: Problems of Collective and Individual Self-Representation of Soviet Dissidents


Emese Balint: Public Punishments And Their Social Background In Sixteenth-Century Kolozsvár

Sergey Sheketov: Culture and Every Day Life of Private Entrepreneurs (Nepmen) in the Soviet Union in the Period of New Economic Policy (1921-1929)


Nikolai Voukov: The Uses of Folklore for Nation-Building Purposes in Bulgarian Periodicals of the 1860s and 1870s

Katerina Dysa: A Witch Before the Court and Before the Community: Official and Popular Image of Witch in Germany and in Ukraine in the Early Modern Period


Anahit Minasyan: The Armenian Community in Paris, 1970s through 1990s

Judit Fejes: Open or Non-open Aristocracy? Pursuit of Identification and Readiness to Receptivity (Social Analysis of the Eighteenth-century Newcomers' Marriage Relations)

Borbála Zsuzsanna Török: Minority Alternatives to Cultural Politics in Interwar Romania. The "Erdélyi Szépmíves Céh" Publishing House (1924-1944)


Zoltán Pálfy: Higher Education Clientéle Dislocation in the Context of post-World War I Nation-State Building; The Transylvanian Hungarian Case