Representing Recent History: Museums of Communism in post-1989 Eastern Europe; 2011 May 13 - 14

May 13, 2011

Workshop in the framework of the EUNAMUS: European National Museums: Identity Politics, the Uses of the Past and the European Citizen 7th Framework Program of the European Union (
organized by the Department of History, and Pasts, Center for Historical Studies, Central European University, and Open Society Archives, Budapest

13 May, Friday

  • 9:30 Opening
  • 10:00 Communism: New Constructions
    Irmgard Zündorf (Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam): The Display of Communism in German Museums
    Simina Bădica (The Museum of the Romanian Peasant): Museums of Oblivion. Exhibiting Communism in Post-Communist Romania
  • 12: 00 Introduction to the Open Society Archives, István Rév (Director, OSA)
  • 14:00 Communism: Reconstructions I 
    Olga Manojlović-Pintar (Research Associate, Institute for Recent History of Serbia)  – Aleksandar Ignjatović (Assistant Professor, University of Belgrade): Refashioning Exhibitions of Contemporary History in Serbia
    Eglė Rindzevičiutė (Department for Studies of Social Change and Culture, Linköping University): Re-assembling A Communist Past In Lithuania: A Study of The Museum of Victims of Genocide
  • 16:00 Communism: Reconstructions II 
    Maud Guichard-Marneur (PhD candidate at the University of Copenhagen and EHESS, Paris): Museums and WWII in Poland
    Vjeran Pavlakovič (Assistant Professor, University of Rijeka): (Re)constructing the Past: Museums in Post-communist Croatia

14 May, Saturday

  • 10:00 Communism: Deconstructions and Experiments 
    Rossitza Guentcheva (Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, New Bulgarian University, Sofia): Museums of socialism from below: grass-roots representations of the socialist past in contemporary Bulgaria 
    Péter Apor (Research Fellow, Pasts Inc., Center for Historical Studies, CEU): Exhibiting Contemporary History in post-Communist Hungary
  • 12:00 Communism: Pre-histories and Afterlives
    Viviana Iacob (Independent curator and Associate researcher, Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile): Laboratory: A Proposal for Representing Communism in Romania
    Octavian Silvestru (PhD candidate, CEU): Gauging the National History of Railways: The Odyssey of Romanian Railway Museum from 1939 to the Present
  • 13:15: Concluding Session: Recent History in Post-Communist Museums  - Comparisons and Entanglements
    Chaired by Constantin Iordachi (Head, History Department, CEU)
Academic Area: 
