April 18, 2012


Central European University, Budapest, 2-14 July 2012

Theme MATILDA IPs 2012-2014:

Gender, Migration, Displacement: Perspectives on European History, 19th to 21st Century

Theme MATILDA 2012 IP:

Gender and Migration, 19th-21st Centuries: Economic, Regional, and Methodological Perspectives

  • Open to MA and PhD students with interests in women’s and gender history who at the time of the IP are registered at one of the five member universities of the MATILDA consortium: University of Nottingham, the University of Sofia St Kliment Ohridski, Central European University, Budapest, University of Vienna, and Université Lyon 2
  • An opportunity to study with leading scholars of women’s and gender history from five European universities along with a group of students from around Europe and the world
  • The IP–language will be English
  • Free tuition for all participants from the universities of the MATILDA consortium
  • Free accommodation in student residences and meals provided for MA and PhD students from European Union countries
  • 75% of travel costs reimbursed for MA and PhD students coming to Budapest from other universities in the MATILDA consortium*

* But with the following maximum total travel expenditure reimbursements, set according to the country from which participants are travelling: from France: 360 Euros; from Nottingham: 420 Euros; from Vienna: 90 Euros; from Sofia: 240 Euros.


Download application form from the MATILDA website and send by email to your local MATILDA professor (

Or: apply by sending an email to your local MATILDA professor with the following information: 1) your name 2) email address 3) school/Department and University 4) your current degree 5) subject of MA or PhD thesis, and 6) motivation to participate in the IP.

CEU students must send their application to Francisca de Haan at

Confirmation will be sent by May 1.


Morning Lectures by professors (drawn from the consortium of participating universities, together with guest speakers from the Netherlands and Hungary) will be followed by workshops developing themes from the lecture: to assist preparation, a list of readings will be provided by the end of May and a range of readings will be provided on the IP website to be set up in advance of the programme. 

Work in progress workshops in the afternoons will offer students a chance to present and discuss their own thesis work in progress with fellow-students and professors.  Each participant will give a 15-minute presentation on her/his work to the rest of the group as the basis for discussion and feedback.

Students must send the title of their presentation and an abstract of about 200 words to IP coordinator Nora Margitta ( no later than June 1, 2012, to be posted in advance on the IP website. After the IP, participants will put their presentations on the IP website.

Participating professors from MATILDA member universities will be available for individual consultancy on students’ work towards their theses.

For MATILDA-students participation in the Intensive Program is a mandatory part of the degree and worth 10 ECTS.

The grade for the IP will be awarded based on participation, an assessment of the presentation of the work-in-progress and active participation in the workshops.

Detailed Program:



Morning 9.00 - 12.30 *

Afternoon 14.00-17.00 *

Monday July 2, 2012








Introduction to the Program of the two weeks and the afternoon sessions



Tuesday July 3



Marlou Schrover

Prof. in Migration History, specialized in Gender, Leiden University, the Netherlands



“The Field of Gender and Migration: An Overview”


Seminar on key concepts and theories

Presentations and Discussion of Students' Work (1)





Film (titles tba)

Wednesday July 4



Annemarie Steidl

Historian, Ass. Professor, University of Vienna



“Gender, Class, and Ethnicity of Transatlantic Migrants from Late 19th-Century Central Europe”


Seminar related to the lecture


Presentations and Discussion of Students' Work (2)

Thursday July 5



Sylvie Schweitzer

Professor of History, Lyon University



"Immigrant women in the French historiography: a long blindness; with a case-study of migrant women in a French chemical plant in the 1930s"


Seminar related to the lecture


Presentations and Discussion of Students' Work (3)





Film (titles tba)

Friday July 6


Andrea Pető

Associate Professor of Gender Studies, Central European University


Lecture: “An Introduction into Hungarian Jewish History: An Intersectional Perspective.”


Preparation of afternoon workshop in which students will use the USC Shoah Foundation Institute’s Visual History



Led by Andrea Pető, on gendering the Holocaust and Jewish women's experiences, based on the USC Shoah Foundation Institute’s Visual History Archive (accessible at the CEU)



Saturday July 7


Francisca de Haan

Professor of Gender Studies, Central European University



“The Traffic in Women: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives”


Seminar related to the lecture

Presentations and Discussion of Students' Work (4)

Sunday July 8

Day off



Monday July 9



Irene Messinger

Political scientist, Lecturer, University of Vienna



"Austrian Migration Policy: an historical overview from the 1960s until today - with a special focus on labor migration from an intersectional perspective"


Seminar related to the lecture

Presentations and Discussion of Students' Work (5)

Tuesday July 10

Tibor Frank

Professor of History, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest



„Women and Migrations: The Hungarian Experience 1880-1949”


Seminar related to the lecture

Presentations and Discussion of Students' Work (6)

Wednesd. July 11


Anelia Kassabova

Ethnologist, Sofia University



“Contemporary migrations: Bulgarian women in transnational families.”


Seminar related to the lecture


Daniela Koleva, Social anthropologist, Sofia University

Anthropological fieldwork methods: Translating research questions into interview questions

Thursday July 12


Jasmina Lukic

Literary scholar and Associate Professor of  Gender Studies, CEU



“Integrated Research Methods in Gender and Migration Studies.” **

Presentations and Discussion of Students' work (7)

[or, possibly, an excursion]

Friday July 13


Karen Adler

Historian, Lecturer, Nottingham University



“Jewish population movements and gender in twentieth-century Europe”

[title tbc]


Seminar related to the lecture

IP Evaluation

Saturday July 14




* All sessions have a coffee or tea break


** For more information, see

