Reports about the Departmental Research Seminars are available

December 21, 2014

The series of research seminars offers an opportunity to get acquainted with and discuss the most recent research undertaken by the faculty, research fellows, and doctoral students of the History Department. Formerly known as the Scholarly & Social Meetings, the series carries on the tradition of previous years to encourage both intellectual and social exchanges between the students, guests, and members of the faculty.

The lectures of the fall term gave insight into various fields of research work carried out at the History Department of CEU. Presentations were held on the following topics:

Carsten L. Wilke: “Sephardi Samizdat: Clandestine Anti-Christian Literature in The Portuguese Jewish Diaspora 1580-1740”

Patricia Zalamea: “Humanist Culture and Painted Cycles in Tunja: A Case of Global Renaissance Art 1580-1740”

Zsofia Lorand: “‘Learning a Feminist Language’: The Intellectual History of Feminism in Yugoslavia in the 1970s and 1980s”

Gabor Klaniczay: “The Modern Rebirth of Ecstatic Catholicism: Stigmatics, Visionaries and Their Adepts in 19th Century Europe”

Mircea Scrob: “From Mămăligă to Bread as the ‘Core’ Food of Romanian Peasants: A Consumer-Centered Interpretation of the Dietary Change from a Standard-of-Living Perspective”

Reports about the lectures are available here:

