Christos Aliprantis Wins Ladas Scholarship

February 24, 2016

The Ladas Scholarship (“E. and V. Ladas Donation in memory of their son Nikos V. Ladas”) is a prestigious academic award administrated by the University of Athens in Greece, where Aliprantis completed his undergraduate degree in 2013. The scholarship aims to support graduate studies abroad for outstanding Greek students in the Social Sciences field. Aliprantis’ excellent undergraduate performance earned him a 4 year Ladas support in the amount of 25,000 euros to cover his already completed master’s degree at the University of Vienna (2013-15), his current CEU MA degree in Comparative History (2015-16), and his first year as a doctoral candidate at the University of Cambridge (2016-2017). The funds will aid Aliprantis in his current research on the commemoration of the Habsburg Emperor Joseph II (r.1780-1790) in mid-19th century Austria, and in his doctoral research on the secret police in Austria and in Prussia between 1849 and 1866.

