CEU-Herder Workshop on Historical Cartography

March 18, 2016

On March 14-15, eight CEU students participated in a new Historical Cartography workshop co-organized by the Department of History and the Herder Institute in Marburg, Germany. In addition to attending keynote lectures by Professor Madalina Veres (CEU Visiting Professor, IAS Fellow) and Professor David Kuchenbuch (Justus-Liebig-University, Gießen), students conducted individual research using the Herder Institute’s library and extensive map and document collections focusing on East-Central Europe. Thanks to the generous support of Professor Victoria Harms (CEU MA Alumna, 2007) and Professor Christian Lotz, participants received hands-on training while gathering source material for their MA and PhD theses. 

A detailed overview of the workshop is available here. For more information on new fellowship opportunities at the Herder Institute, please consult the Institute’s website.

Herder Workshop on Historical Cartography, 2016
