The Routledge History of East Central Europe since 1700

November 10, 2017

New publication with the contributions of Professors Kochanowicz (1946-2014) and Zimmermann

 “Within the field of East Central European history, women’s and gender history has helped to expand the very scope of historical inquiry, especially in the realms of social and cultural history … and transnational history. It has contributed to denaturalizing categories of East Central European history such as the nation and it has encouraged scholars to consider … gender relations as a product of history rather than an ahistorical given, and thus as the subject of change over time.” (Daskalova and Zimmermann)

 “Economic backwardness has been real and not invented … East Central Europe did not join the West but remained within ‘the Rest’ in the unfolding of the Great Divergence. … Under communism ... the relative gap … remained relatively stable, at about 30 to 40 percent. Thus, after three centuries, the region remained in the same position vis-à-vis the West.” (Kochanowicz and Murgescu)

