Public Lecture by Vladimir Unkovski-Korica

February 14, 2018

On the 7th of February, Professor Vladimir Unkovski-Korica from the University of Glasgow held a public lecture co-organized by the Department of History and the Yugo-Region Research Group. In it, he presented his book The Economic Struggle for Power in Tito's Yugoslavia (I.B. Tauris, 2016). Professor Unkovski-Korica’s argued that Yugoslavia’s “hybrid” developmental model, although seemingly unique, fits within a broader pattern of post-World War Two modernization by countries eager to “catch up” with the developed Western European and North American states. Starting from these premises, he concluded that Yugoslavia’s economic model, in order to remain competitive in the global market, created pressures on workers from above and reinforced inequality between republics, thus facilitating the appearance of nationalism which ultimately tore the country apart. He claimed that these processes can already be observed in the late 1950s, bringing into question the currently dominant paradigms about nationalism in Yugoslavia only arising in the post-1968 period. The lecture was followed by a brief discussion and then a talk with Professor Unkovski-Korica in a more informal setting.

