Whose Love of Which Country? Towards an Intellectual History of Patriotic Discourses in the Early Modern Period

Open to the Public
Nador u. 9, Monument Building
Gellner Room
Saturday, May 20, 2006 - 9:30am
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Saturday, May 20, 2006 - 9:30am to Sunday, May 21, 2006 - 7:00pm

International workshop of the project The Intellectual History of Patriotism and the Legacy of Composite States in East-Central Europe

The project, supported by Pasts, Inc. Institute of Historical Studies and the Central European University Research Board, seeks to reconsider the intellectual history and the heritage of patriotism chiefly in East-Central Europe. It brings together scholars to discuss the questions of political legitimacy in view of the multiplicity of the levels of ethnic, cultural and political allegiances. The ultimate aim of the project is to produce a volume of case studies, which would put our region “on the map” of European research and would also help disseminate the recent methodological achievements of intellectual history in our region.


FRIDAY (19 May)


  • 19.00 Welcome Reception




  • 9.30 Introduction


Panel I - Humanist visions of the nation


  • 10.00-10.25 Pál Ács (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Literary Studies) Reception of Erasmianism in Hungary and the contexts of the Erasmian program: religious, cultural and “national” (The “cultural patriotism” of Benedek Komjáthy and Gábor Pesti)
  • 10.25-10.50 Gábor Almási (Habsburg Institute, Budapest) Stereotypes against Romanians (Vlachs) and the humanist discourse of ethnicity (Archbishop Miklós Oláh and his Adversaries)
  • 10.50-11.15 Lucie Štorchová (Charles University, Prague) Nation and ethics of the self. Late humanist discourse of nation (Veleslavińs circle) and its rewriting by the modern Czech national movement
  • 11.15-11.50 Discussion
  • 11.50-12.10 Coffee Break


Panel II - Urban patriotism


  • 12.10-12.35 Farkas Gábor Kiss (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest) Upper Hungarian urban patriotism and the Humanist mirror of princes literature at the turn of 15th-16th centuries (Bálint Eck’s writings)
  • 12.35-13.00 Lovro Kunčević (CEU) Civic and ethno-linguistic discourses in Renaissance Ragusa
  • 13.00-13.30 Discussion
  • 13.30-14.30 Lunch Break


Panel III - Ethnicity and collective memory


  • 14.30-14.55 Alexander Nikolov (St. Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia) Patriotic and proto-national motives in the late medieval Bulgarian literature (XII-XV centuries)
  • 14.55-15.20 Domagoj Madunić (CEU) Strategies of distinction in the works of Vinko Pribojević, or what makes Slavs Slavs
  • 15.20-15.45 Sándor Bene (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Literary Studies) Marsigli’s mission in the recaptured territories in South-Hungary - the uses of national history in mapping the region and the 'national projects' of the experts (Vitezović, Miklós Bethlen)
  • 15.45-16.15 Discussion
  • 16.15-16.30 Coffee Break


Panel IV - The politics of the Estates and the love of Fatherland


  • 16.30-16.55 Benedek Varga (Károli Gáspár University of the Hungarian Reformed Church, Budapest; Museum of the History of Medicine, Budapest) István Bocskay’s revolt (1604-06) and the patriotic discourse of the Estates
  • 16.55-17.20 Petr Maťa (Guest Fellow, GWZO Leipzig) Patres Patriae or Traditores Patriae? Was there any patriotic discourse of the Bohemian Estates in the second half of the seventeenth century?
  • 17.20-17.45 Miloš Řezník (University of Chemnitz) Multiple patriotisms? Landespatriotismus in the (erstwhile) Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the construction of Fatherlands in the 18th century (In German)
  • 17.45-18.15 Discussion
  • 18.15-18.40 Reflections by Paul Gradvohl (Université Nancy 2)


SUNDAY (21 May)

Panel V - Political theology and layers of identity


  • 9.30-9.55 Márton Zászkaliczky (CEU) References to political allegiance in the works of Protestant preachers in mid-16th century Hungary
  • 9.55-10.20 Vladimír Urbánek (Research Fellow, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague) Patria Lost and Chosen People: The case of seventeenth-century Bohemian Protestant exiles
  • 10.20-10.45 Regina Pörtner (University of Wales, Swansea) Defending the Catholic enterprise: national sentiment and the Jesuit mission in seventeenth-century Hungary
  • 10.45-11.20 Discussion
  • 11.20-11.40 Brunch



Panel VI - Comparative perspectives


  • 11.40-12.05 Jon Arrieta (University of the Basque Country) “Patriae Leges” within the framework of the Spanish Monarchy (1516-1714)
  • 12.05-12.30 Balázs Trencsényi (CEU) The conceptual history of Patria and Natio in the seventeenth century – the Hungarian case in the light of recent research on Western Europe
  • 12.30-13.00 Discussion
  • 13.00-13.45 General conclusions