Slam Academy Opening (in Hungarian) with the Champions

Open to the Public
Nador u. 15
Sunday, April 28, 2019 - 6:00pm
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Sunday, April 28, 2019 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Dear CEU Community Members,

You are all warmly welcome, to the opening event of the Slam Academy on the Sunday of the 28th of April from 6 to 8 PM in the CEU Auditorium, in Hungarian (several further events of the series will be in English). The event is free, without registration, and open to the public. Please invite friends also through the Facebook event:

The opening event is organized by the Slam Poetry Hungary Association, the CEU History Department and Foldalatti Slam.

The founder and the host of the Slam Academy is Peter Molnar, the Hungarian and European Slam Poetry Champion of 2018.

The Slam Academy will be a monthly discussion on controversial historical, artistic, human rights and environmental questions, always from historical perspective, and the invited speakers will include members of the CEU community as well as slammers. Some related slam poetry will be performed at each occasion.

At the opening event, the five Hungarian slam poetry champion will be on stage together for the first time, to discuss the social role of slam poetry, and to perform some of their winning slams.

The aim of the Slam Academy is to contribute to the intellectual strength of the slam poetry movement (through the English language events also internationally), and to a sustainable dialogue in the Hungarian society and the Hungarian minorities around Hungary (who are naturally involved in the Hungarian slam poetry community), building also on the self-reflexivity of this participatory artistic genre. 

Szeretettel várjuk a Slam Akadémia nyitóestjére, amely rendezvény a Slam Poetry Magyarország Egyesület, a CEU Történelem Tanszéke és a Földalatti Slam együttműködésében valósul meg. Az este során először lép fel együtt az elmúlt öt év egyéni magyar slam poetry bajnoka.