Awards and Publications

New Publication by Laszlo Kontler: Translations, Histories, Enlightenments

William Robertson—historian, minister, and Principal of the University of Edinburgh—was a central figure in the Scottish Enlightenment.

New Publication: "Hungary and Romania Beyond National Narratives"

January 29, 2014

Hungary and Romania Beyond National Narratives is edited by Anders A. E. Blomqvist, Constantin Iordachi and Balázs Trencsényi published by Peter Lang.

Professor Gero`s book has been published

January 29, 2014

History Professor Andras Gero`s book, Nemzeti Tortenelemkonyv has been published.

Two books of Professor Aziz Al-Azmeh are appearing in February/March

January 29, 2014

Two publications of History Professor Aziz Al-Azmeh are appearing in February/March 2014

Visiting Professor Julian Casanova published an important article on 1914 in one of Europe`s leading newspaper "El País".

January 13, 2014

Visiting Professor Julian Casanova published an important article on 1914 in one of Europe`s leading newspaper "El País".