Awards and Publications

Book release: Russian diplomacy in the early modern period

November 2, 2016

Professor Hennings’ new book on early modern Russian diplomacy: 

Book release: Hungarian Jews in the Age of Genocide

September 28, 2016

It is our pleasure to announce that Hungarian Jews in the Age of Genocide. An Intellectual History, 1929–1948, a study written by CEU alumnus Ferenc Laczó, has been released. This is the latest title of our book series CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE, published in cooperation with Brill.

Professor Casanova`s new article: The Spanish Civil War, 80 years after

During the early hours of 18 July 1936, General Francisco Franco declared a state of war and his opposition to the Second Spanish Republic. In undermining the Republican government's ability to keep order, the ensuing coup d'état precipitated unprecedented open violence. Thus began the Spanish Civil War.

Gyani full MTA member

We congratulate visiting professor Gábor Gyáni. In the annual general assembly meeting on 2 May 2016, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Magyar Tudományos Akadémia) elected Prof. Gyáni as a full member. 

Professor Esmer's new article in top comparative history, anthropology, and sociology journal

January 20, 2016

This essay reconstructs a scandal in the fall of 1797 involving Ottoman governors, leaders of a notorious network of irregular soldiers cum bandits, and residents of the city of Filibe (Plovdiv in Bulgaria). It erupted over whether or not state officials should pacify successful bandit enterprises by co-opting their leaders. The scandal escalated into a crisis in which the large armies of the governors of Anatolia and Rumeli (the Ottoman Balkans) verged on clashing because each wanted to lead the state's lucrative war against Rumeli bandit networks.