Awards and Publications

"Mega" Book Launch - History Department

February 6, 2015

 2014 was an especially prolific year for the History Department: as authors and (co-)editors, faculty members published altogether 12 books with leading international academic publishers.

The chronological coverage is from late antiquity to communist times, the geographic spread is truly trans-national (even trans-continental and global), and the topics and approaches range from religious studies, political thought and intellectual history, through history of science and history of empires, to questions of identity, social and political history.

Negotiating Knowledge in Early Modern Empires - A Decentered View

December 21, 2014

The volume arises out of several years of collaboration of an international team in many forms, including seminar courses and a summer university course at CEU. Besides Professor Kontler, the editors include CEU History alumna Zsuzsanna Török (PhD 2004), and one furher contributor, Gábor Almási is also our graduate (PhD 2005).

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New Book by History Department Alumni Markian Prokopovych

October 1, 2014

In the Public Eye: The Budapest Opera House, The Audience and the Press, 1884-1918 (Böhlau 2014)

New Publication by Professor Julian Casanova: Twentieth-Century Spain, A History

September 16, 2014

This is a much-needed new overview of Spanish social and political history which sets developments in twentieth-century Spain within a broader European context. Julián Casanova, one of Spain's leading historians, and Carlos Gil Andrés chart the country's experience of democracy, dictatorship and civil war and its dramatic transformation from an agricultural and rural society to an industrial and urban society fully integrated into Europe.