
Our Department on the "CEU Affair"

September 11, 2017

Articles by History Faculty and PhD candidate in the Sudosteuropa journal.

The Political Context - Balázs Trencsényi

A Brief Overview - Alfred J. Rieber

Crisis and Renewal in the History of Political Thought

August 8, 2017

Fifth International Conference of the European Society for the History of Political Thought
University of Heidelberg, 11-13 October 2018

The European Society for the History of Political Thought invites proposals for individual papers and panels for its next international conference.

History alumna Katalin Straner, appointed Lecturer at the History Department of University of Southampton

July 24, 2017

History alumna (MA 2005, PhD 2013) and former visiting lecturer (2014-16) Katalin Straner will be joining the Department of History at the University of Southampton as Lecturer in Modern European History (East-Central European History) in September 2017. Currently a Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, She is a historian of modern Europe, with a focus on the history of science, urban history, the translation and reception of Darwinism in Hungary, and the effect of migration and exile on knowledge transfer.

Alfred J. Rieber wins Bentley Prize in World History

Alfred J. Rieber has won the Bentley Prize in World History from the World History Association, for his book, The Struggle for the Eurasian Borderlands: From the Rise of Early Modern Empires to the End of the First World War (Cambridge University Press, 2014).  His book explores the Eurasian borderlands as contested 'shatter zones' which have generated some of the world's most significant conflicts. Analyzing the struggles of Habsburg, Russian, Ottoman, Iranian and Qing empires, Alfred J.

History PhD student, Alexandra Medzibrodszky joins delegation to D.C.

May 29, 2017

A delegation from CEU traveled to Washington, D.C. last week to raise awareness among lawmakers and the public of the amendments to the Hungarian Higher Education Act and the grievous consequences for CEU, a world-class American-Hungarian institution. The delegation included Éva Fodor, Pro-Rector for the Social Sciences and Humanities, PhD History Student Alexandra Medzibrodszky and MA in Public Policy student, Daniel Berg. The main aim of our visit was to emphasize the urgency and the gravity of the situation regarding CEU and to urge U.S.