
Professor Wilke Receives Outstanding Research Award

September 21, 2016

We are pleased to announce that professor Carsten Wilke is one of the recipients of CEU’s prestigious Award for Outstanding Research for his research in the history of Jews inside the social and intellectual environment of medieval and modern Europe. The Provost presented professor Wilke's award during the CEU Opening Ceremony.

Photo credit: CEU / Zoltan Tuba

History alumnus, Ferenc Laczó, appointed Assistant Professor at the History Department of Maastricht University

August 12, 2016

We are pleased to announce that Ferenc Laczó, a graduate of our Department, has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the History Department of Maastricht University. Ferenc completed his PhD at the CEU in 2011, was subsequently employed as a full-time researcher at the Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena, and acted as a lecturer in contemporary European history at Maastricht in 2015-16. Ferenc Laczó’s book Hungarian Jews in the Age of Genocide. An Intellectual History, 1929-1948 will be published by Brill within a few months.

History graduate, Adam Mestyan, appointed Assistant Professor at the History Department of Duke University

August 11, 2016

We are proud to announce that History PhD graduate, Adam Mestyan has recently been appointed as Assistant Professor at the History Department of Duke University. Adam finished his PhD at CEU in 2011 and since then have fulfilled a teaching position at Oxford University and held fellowships at Harvard and at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. His research focuses on the modern Middle East.

Additionally to his recent appointment, the Volkswagen Foundation elected Adam a “Freigeist Fellow.” 

History graduate, Maria Falina, appointed Lecturer in European History at City University Dublin

August 10, 2016

We are pleased to share the wonderful news that one of our former History doctoral graduates, Maria Falina has recently been appointed Lecturer in European History at City University Dublin.

Maria is currently an IRC Postdoctoral Fellow at the UCD Centre for War Studies in Dublin. She completed her PhD degree at CEU in 2011. Her research focuses on comparative history of religious communities and conflict in Yugoslavia in the first half of the 20th century.

Professor Casanova`s new article: The Spanish Civil War, 80 years after

During the early hours of 18 July 1936, General Francisco Franco declared a state of war and his opposition to the Second Spanish Republic. In undermining the Republican government's ability to keep order, the ensuing coup d'état precipitated unprecedented open violence. Thus began the Spanish Civil War.