Péter Apor

Visiting Professor

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Péter Apor is a permanent research fellow at the Institute of History, Research Center for the Humanities, Budapest. Between 2003 and 2011, Apor was a research fellow at the Central European University, Budapest, and an associate researcher at the University of Exeter (2008–2009). In 2012, he was a Fellow at the Imre Kertesz Kolleg in Jena. His main research interest includes the history of empires and colonialism in the Cold War, the politics of memory and history in post-1945 Europe, and the mechanisms of collective violence and ethnic hatred. Between 2016 and 2019, Apor was Contact Coordinator of Courage, a European Union H2020 funded research project and between 2015 and 2019, core team member of Socialism Goes Global, an international research collaboration. He is the author of Fabricating Authenticity in Soviet Hungary: The Afterlife of the First Hungarian Soviet Republic in the Age of State Socialism, Anthem Press, London, 2014, which was the first major work to address how eastern bloc regimes constructed, and attempted to make authentic, their national pasts. Apor is also co-editor of a number of methodologically innovative collections: The Handbook of COURAGE: Cultural Opposition and its Heritage in Eastern Europe, Budapest, 2018; with Constantin Iordachi and Balázs Trencsényi, Perspectives on Comparative and Transnational History in East Central Europe and Beyond, (Budapest - New York, 2021). 
