Ph.D. Dissertations Defended in the CEU History Department


Isidora Grubacki - Political Transformation of Interwar Feminisms: The Case of Yugoslavia


Anastasia Papushina - Remains In Revolution. Death and burial in France (1789-99) and Russia (1917-27)

Georgi Georgiev - Noise Wars: A Comparative History of Gathering Information under Cold War Constraints

Bence Bari (Trans)national Concepts of Self-Determination and the Future of Central Europe in the Late First World War, 1917–1918

Vilius Kubekas The Quest for Unity in a Time of Crisis: Catholic Intellectuals and the Challenges of Political Modernity in Interwar Lithuania

Lovro Kralj - Paving the Road to the Holocaust in the NDH: Antisemitism in the Ustaša Movement,1930-1945


Blasco SciarrinoAllegiance in Exchange for Rewards: Italian and Romanian First World War Veterans' Movements in Comparison, 1918-1945

Nick Warmuth The American War Crimes Trial Of Flossenbürg Concentration Camp, 1946-1947

Riikkamari Muhonen"Good Friends" for the Soviet Union: The Peoples' Friendship University in Soviet Educational Cooperation with the Developing World, 1960-1980

Iva JelusicGender and War in the Yugoslav Media: The Figure of the Partizanka in the Making of the Yugoslav New Woman

Martin PjechaTheo-Politics of the Hussite Movement: from Reform to Revolution

Povilas Dikavicius - Honor among Nobles in the 16th century Grand Duchy of Lithuania


Miljkovic, Marko - Tito's Proliferation Puzzle: The Yugoslav Nuclear Program, 1948-1970

Rimkute, Agne - Selling Culture in a Socialist State: Film Screening, Ideology, and the Plan in the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic (1956 - 1972)

Pantic, Nikola - Networks of the Holy: Religion and Magic in eighteenth century Ottoman Province of Damascus


Krizmanics, Réka - Fruitful Inconsistencies: Historical Knowledge Production in Late Socialist Hungary and Croatia

Bayley, Imogen - Fighting for a future : postwar migration policy and the displaced of the British Zone (1945-1951)

Mézes, Ádám - Doubt and Diagnosis: Medical Experts and the Returning Dead of the Southern Habsburg Borderland (1718-1766)

Pataki, Katalin Resources, records, reforms: the implementation of monastic policies in the Kingdom of Hungary under Maria Theresa and Joseph II

Medzibrodszky, Alexandra - Orthodox Political Theologies: Clergy, Intelligentsia and Social Christianity in Revolutionary Russia


Kelemen, Ágnes Katalin - Migration of Numerus Claus Exiles: Hungarian Jewish Students in Interwar Europe

Lukić, Dejan - A Strong Class of Serious Scholars: The Power Dynamics of Knowledge Production in the Earth Sciences in Serbia, 1880-1914

Medved, Mladen - Transition to Capitalism in Croatia, Hungary and Austria (1830s-1867/8): A Study in Uneven and Combined Development

Hîncu, Adela - Accounting for the "Social" in State Socialist Romania, 1960s1980s: Context and Genealogies


Posun'ko, Andriy - The ambiguities of cossackdom : the case of the Pontic Steppe 1775-1830s

Wciślik, Piotr License: the prefigurative politics of Polish dissident social media activism, 1976-1990

Mulej, Oskar - Interwar perspectives on liberalism in Central Europe: the Czech, Austrian and Slovene national liberal heirs, 1918-1934

Güçlü, Eda - Urban tanzimat, morality, and property in nineteenth-century Istanbul


Szerecz, Thomas - Comparative History Writing in Hungary until 1945/48

Berecz, ÁgostonChapters from the Political Life of Names. The Nationalisation of Names and Naming in Dualist Hungary

Chiriac, BogdanThe Trial of the Antonescu Group (May 6-17, 1946) and the Communist Takeover in Romania. A Historical Interpretation.

Iuga, LilianaReshaping the Historic City Under Socialism: State Preservation, Urban Planning, and the Politics of Scarcity in Romania (1945-1977)

Grama, Adrian - Labouring Along: Industrial Workers and the Making of Postwar Romania (1944-1958)

La Rocca, Francesco“Writers of Tales: A Study on National Literary Epic Poetry with a Comparative Analysis of the Albanian and South Slavic Cases”


Voronovici, Alexandr - The Ambiguities of Soviet “Piedmonts”: Soviet Borderland Policies in the Ukrainian SSR and the Moldovan ASSR, 1922-1934

Miljan, Goran - Young, Militarized, and Radical - The Ustasha Youth Organization, Ideology and Practice, 1941-1945


Karpova, Yulia - Designer Socialism: The Aesthetic Turn in Soviet Russia after Stalin

Mazanik, Anna - Sanitation, Urban Environment and the Politics of Public Health in Late Imperial Moscow

Scrob, Mircea - From Mămăligă to Bread as the 'Core' Food of Romanian Villagers: A Consumer-Centered Interpretion of a Dietary Change (1900 - 1980)

Gioielli, Emily - 'White Misrule': Terror and Political Violence during Hungary's Long World War I, 1919-1924

Lóránd, Zsófia - Learning a Feminist Language: The Intellectual History of Feminism in Yugoslavia in the 1970s and 1980s

Hariton, Silviu Radian - War Commemorations in Inter-War Romania

Szele, Áron - The Arrow Cross. The Ideology of Hungarian Fascism. A conceptual approach

Van den Eeden, Mare - In Search of Europe. Ideas of Europe from a Central European Perspective, 1918-present


Szegedi, Gábor - Good Health is the best Dowry: Marriage Counseling, Premarital Examinations, Sex Education in Hungary 1920-1952

Kotenko, Anton - The Ukrainian Project In Search Of National Space, 1861-1914

Biliuta, Ionut - The Archangel's Consecrated Servants. An Inquiry in The Relationship Between the Romanian Orthodox Church and the Iron Guard (1930-1941)

Badica, Simina - Curating Communism. A Comparative History of Museological Practices in Post-War (1946-1958) and Post-Communist Romania

Rank, Scott - Disputing Religion, Empire, and Modernity: Christian-Muslim Polemics in the Ottoman Print Sphere, 1861-1915

Khripachenko, Tatiana - National Challenges to Decentralization: Autonomy and Federation in the Russian Liberal Discourse, 1900-1914

Lember, Uku - Silenced Ethnicity: Russian-Estonian Intermarriages in Soviet Estonia (Oral History)


Zubak, Marko - Yugoslav Youth Press 1968-1980 - Alternative Communist Media

Ryzhkov, Vladimir  - Political Ideas in the Russian Historical Writing of the Age of Enlightenment: Mikhail Shcherbatov and Nikolai Karamzin

Szemző, Hanna - The Hungarian Pension System, 1948-1990. Welfare and Politics in Socialist Country in the European Context

Paltineanu, Oana Sinziana - Calling the Nation. Romanian Nationalism in a Local Context: Brasov during the Dual Monarchy

Stráner, Katalin - Science, Translation and the Public: The Hungarian Reception of Darwinism, 1858-1875

Olaru, Vasile -  Writs and Measures. Symbolic Power and the Growth of State Infrastructure in Wallachia, 1740-1800                             

Szélpál Livia - A Tale of Two Hungarian Cities: The Making and Reading of Modern Debrecen and Szeged, 1850-1914


Madunic, Domagoj Defensiones Dalmatiae: Governance and Logistics of the Venetian Defensive System in Dalmatia During the War for Crete
(1645 - 1669)


Kellner, Anikó - Affectionate Interests and Interested Affections The Normative Language of Early Seventeenth Century Interstate Relations

Sincan, Anca Maria - Of Middlemen and Intermediaries, Negotiating the State Church Relationship in Communist Romania - The Formative years

Mestyán, Ádám - "A garden with mellow fruits of refinement" - Music theatres and politics in Cairo and Istanbul, 1867-1892

Falina, Maria - Pyrrhic Victory: East Orthodox Christianity, Politics and Serbian Nationalism in the Interwar Period

Iacob, Bogdan Cristian - Stalinism, Historians, and the Nation: History-Production under Communism in Romania (1955-1966)

Stancu, Eugen -  Engineering the Human Soul. Science Fiction in Communist Romania (1955-1989)

Sandulescu, Valentin Adrian - Revolutionizing Romania from the Right: The Regenerative Project of the Romanian Legionary Movement and its Failure (1927-1937)

Jeffrey, Taylor  - The Birth of the Modern Art Market in Hungary at the "Fin de Sciécle"

Laczó, Ferenc - Between Assimilation and Catastrophe:Hungarian Jewish Intellectual Discourses in the Shadow of Nazism


Kármán, Gábor - A 17th Century Odyssey in East Central Europe—A Biography of Jakab Harsányi Nagy


Brkljacic, Maja -  (Dis)embodied Presences of Josip Tito. Sounds, Voices, Images

Petrovic, Vladimir - Historians as Expert Witnesses in the Age of Extremes

Polouektova, Ksenia - Foreign Land as a Metaphor of One's Own: Travel and Travel Writing in Russian History and Culture, 1200s-1800s

Craciun, CameliaBetween Marginal Rebels and Mainstream Critics: Jewish Romanian Intellectuals in the Interwar Period

Khalapyan, Hasmik  - Women's Nationalism, Internationalism and Imperialisms in Ottoman and British Empires, 1850-1915


Bálint, Emese -  Mechanisms of Social Control in an Early Modern Town. The Case of Kolozsvar in the Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries.

Bartha, Aniko Eszter Alienating Labor: Workers on the Road from Socialism to Capitalism in East Germany and Hungary (1968-1989) 

Crhova, Marie - Modern Jewish Politics in Central Europe: The Jewish Party of Czechoslovakia, 1918-1938

Cusco, AndreiBetween Nation and Empire:Russian and Romanian Competing Visions of Bessarabia in the second half of the 19th and early 20th century

Deák, Éva - The Formal Expressions of the Elite Status in Early Modern Europe. Transylvania, Brandenburg: Clothing Habits

Dobrynin, Sergei - Soviet Cinema, Soviet Spaces: Everyday life in Soviet Film ( 1965-1985)

Klimkova, Oxana - The Gulag Microcosm: Life and Death at the White-Sea Baltic Combine of the NKVD, 1933-41

Petkovic, Toni -  Rethinking Self-Determination: Serbian Views on the Bosnian Crisis in the 1990s

Polova, Zoryana - Collaboration and Resistance in Western Ukraine (1941-1947)

Roubal, Peter  -  Embodying Communism: Politics of Mass Gymnastics in Post-War Eastern Europe

Taki, VictorRussia on the Danube: Imperial Expansion and Political Reform in Moldavia and Wallachia, 1812-1834

Vincze, Orsolya - The Politics of Translation and Transmission. The Beginnings of Political Theorising in the Hungarian Vernacular


Eszter Szilassy - National Assimilation, Assimilated Nation, Nationalism and Linguistic Assimilation in Budapest at the turn of the Twentieth Century

Welker, Árpád  Jewish Politics in Hungary. Jewish Parliamentary Politicians, 1867-1890

Loutfi, Anna - Hungarian Family Law and the Struggle for Gender Order, 1848-1913


Cheschebec, Roxana - Feminist Ideologies and Activism in Romania (approx 1890-1940s). Nationalism and Internationalism in Romanian Projects for Women's Emancipation

Aleksov, Bojan - Religious Dissent in the Age of Modernization and Nationalism: The Nazarenes in Hungary and Serbia 1850s-1914

Semyonov, Alexander - The Political Language of Russian Liberalism: The Liberation Movement, Constitutional-Democratic Party, and Public Politics in late Imperial Russia

Bihari, Péter - A Forgotten Home Front: The Middle Classes and the 'Jewish Question' in Hungary during the First World War

Smahgliy, Kateryna - Patron-Clientelism and Ukrainian Political Elites in the 1960-2000s

Voukov, Nikolai - Monuments between Life and Death: Memory and Representation in Monuments of the Socialist Past in Bulgaria

Almási, Gábor - The Uses of Humanism. András Dudith (1533-1589), Johannes Sambucus (1531-1584), and the Humanist Network in East Central Europe


Shlikhta, Natalia - The Survival of the Church under Soviet Rule: A Study in the Life of the Ukrainian Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church, 1945-1971

Parveva,Teodora - The Organized Judiciary in Interwar Bulgaria: The Union of Judges in Defense of the Principle of Independence of the Judiciary

Prokopovych, Markian - Architecture, Cultural Politics and National Identity: Lemberg 1772-1918. Entangling National Histories

Sarkisova, Oksana - Envisioned Communities: Representations of Nationalities in Non-Fiction Cinema in Soviet Russia, 1923-1935"

Shek, Teodora  - The Enlightened Officer at Work: The Educational Projects of the Bohemian Count Franz Joseph Kinsky (1739-1805)

Török , Zsuzsa - The Informal Politics of Culture: Transylvanian Learned Socities, Civic Networks and the Formation of the Nation-State, 1790-1914

Dysa, Kateryna - Witchcraft Trials and Beyond: Right-Bank Side Ukrainian Trials of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.

Raluca, Maria - Popa Restructuring and Envisioning Bucharest. The Socialist Project in the Context of Romanian Planning for a Capital, a Fast Changing City and an Inherited Urban Space, 1852-1989

Trencsényi, Balázs - Early-Modern Discourses of Nationhood

Stefanec, Natasa - Diet in Bruck an der Mur (1578) and the Estates on the Croatian, Slavonian and Kanisian Military Border

Paraianu, Razvan - Octavian Goga, the Sacerdote of Nation. The National Idea from Emancipation to Integrism and Racism"

Kalkandjieva, Daniela - Ecclesio-Political Aspects of the International Activities of the Moscow Patriarchate, 1917-1948


Petrescu, Dragos - The Collapse of Romanian Communism. An Explanatory Model

Petrescu, Cristina - From Robin Hood to Don Quixote. Resistance and Dissent in Communist Romania

Sata, Kinga - József Eötvös's post-revolutionary political ideas and their reception, 1850-1913

Lafferton, Emese -  History of Hungarian Psychiatry, 1850-1908

Szalontai, Balázs - The Failure of De-Stalinization in North Korea. The DPRK in a Comparative Perspective, 1953-1964

Berezhnaya, Lilya - Sub Specie Mortis: Perception of Death and the Afterlife in the Catholic and Orthodox Cultures of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 16th-17th Century

Sereda, Ostap - Shaping of a National Identity: Early Ukrainophiles in Austrian Eastern Galicia, 1860-1873

Iordachi, Constantin - From the "Right of the Natives" to "Constitutional Nationalism" : The Making of Romanian Citizenship, 1817-1919

Velagic, Zoran - The Authors of Popular Religious Books in Northern Croatia (17 th and 18 th centuries)

Mink, András - The "Kopjás": The Culture of Counterrevolution

Mancheva, Mila - State-Minority Relations and Education of Turks and Pomaks in Inter-War Bulgaria, 1918-1944

Miller, Jaroslav - Between Middle Ages and Modernity: Urban Societies in East-Central Europe

Pálfy, Zoltán - National Controversy in the Transylvanian Academe: The Cluj/Kolozsvár University, 1900-1950

Rizescu, Victor - Debating Modernization as a Debate on the Modernizing Elite: an Approach to the History of Social and Political Thought in Romania, 1868-1947

Pilinkaite, Vilana - Family Stuctures and Strategies in Post-Emancipation Lithuania


Turda, Marius - Contesting National Superiority: Racial Thinking, Social Darwinism and Nationalism in Fin-de-Siecle Hungary

Kovács, Zoltán - The Political Image of the Habsburg Monarchy in Mid-Eighteenth Century England

Main, Izabella - National and Regional Holidays as a Clashing Point of the State, the Church and Opposition in Poland, 1944-1989: the Case of Lublin


Loskoutova, Marina - The Russian Provinces in the Search of Development: the Making of the Secondary School System, 1860-1880s


Popova, Irina - Nationalizing Spatial Practices: Hungary and the Habsburg Monarchy, 1700-1848