Selected Alumni Profiles

Y. Doğan Çetinkaya

November 14, 2019

Y. Doğan Çetinkaya defended his MA thesis at CEU in 2004. He is currently a faculty member at Istanbul University. After CEU, he received his PhD at Leiden University (Netherlands) in 2010. In 2017 he became the vice-president of History Foundation, the largest independent organisation of historians in Turkey. He gives lectures and organises workshops in Free University-Istanbul since 2010. In 2012-2013 he was a visiting scholar at Panteion University in Athens.

Olha Martynyuk

February 21, 2019

Olha Martynyuk (MA in 2010) is currently a Senior Lecturer at the National Technical University "Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute". In this same academic institution she has finished a doctoral program and defended her dissertation in February 2017. She has been a fellow researcher at the Institute for Human Studies (Vienna, 2011-2012), the German Historical Institute in Moscow (2013, 2014) and University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Fulbright program, 2018-2019).

Ana-Teodora Kurkina

November 7, 2017

Ana-Teodora Kurkina (MA 2013; since 2014 PhD Student, Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich/University of Regensburg).

Teodora Shek Brnardić

November 6, 2017

Teodora Shek Brnardić (PhD 2004), currently Senior Research Fellow at the Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb. 

Vladimir Petrović

August 31, 2017

Vladimir Petrović (MA 2005, PhD 2009, currently Senior Academic Researcher at the Centre for the Study of Europe, Boston University and Senior Researcher at the Institute for Contemporary History, Belgrade)