
Call for proposals to "Academic Freedom in Historical Perspective" now open!

February 23, 2018

Academic Freedom in Historical Perspective
Twenty-Five Years of the European Review of History /
Revue européenne d’histoire: An Anniversary Conference
Central European University, Budapest, 8-10 November 2018
Call for Papers

Proposals should be sent to Andrea Talabér ( before 15 May 2018. Proposers will be notified by 12 June 2018.

CEU Mourns Passing of Founder Endre Bojtar

February 14, 2018

Literary historian and translator Endre Bojtar, one of many distinguished intellectuals who took part in the founding of Central European University, passed away Feb. 11. An early advocate along with Peter Hanak of the idea of a common Central European heritage, Bojtar participated in discussions in Dubrovnik about founding an educational institution that would strengthen the cohesion of the region. Those discussions resulted in the establishment of CEU in 1991.

Public Lecture by Vladimir Unkovski-Korica

February 14, 2018

On the 7th of February, Professor Vladimir Unkovski-Korica from the University of Glasgow held a public lecture co-organized by the Department of History and the Yugo-Region Research Group. In it, he presented his book The Economic Struggle for Power in Tito's Yugoslavia (I.B. Tauris, 2016). Professor Unkovski-Korica’s argued that Yugoslavia’s “hybrid” developmental model, although seemingly unique, fits within a broader pattern of post-World War Two modernization by countries eager to “catch up” with the developed Western European and North American states.

Book launch - Trust and Happiness in the History of European Political Thought

February 13, 2018

The Gellner Room was swarming with #trustandhappiness as a the volume was presented to a sizeable audience by co-editor Professor László Kontler, President and Rector Michael Ignatieff, and Zoltán Gábor Szűcs, research fellow of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

The Department of History invites applications for an assistant professor position in Habsburg Studies

February 8, 2018

The Department of History at Central European University (CEU) invites applications for an assistant professor position in Habsburg Studies. Candidates must have the capacity to develop a convincing and innovative program for research and teaching in topics related to the history on the Habsburg Empire and its multiple legacies, connecting to the Department’s focus of comparative empires.