
Frauenpolitik und Männergewerkschaft (Women’s Politics and Men’s Trade Unionism). A new book by Susan Zimmermann

February 15, 2021

Women’s Politics and Men’s Trade Unionism International Gender Politics, Female IFTU Trade Unionists and the Workers’ and Women’s Movements of the Interwar Period Building on a large network of female socialist ac - tivists and functionaries, the Women’s International of the International Federation of Trade Unions, the IFTU, also known as the “Amsterdam International,” pursued its mandate in the interwar period and into WWII.

Award for First-year Doctoral Students for Lucija Balikic

February 8, 2021

We congratulate History PhD candidate Lucija Balikic on winning CEU's Academic Achievement Award for First-year Doctoral Students!

Award for Advanced Doctoral Students for Faruh Kuziev

February 5, 2021

We congratulate our History PhD candidate Faruh Kuziev on winning CEU's Academic Achievement Award for Advanced Doctoral Students!

Käthe Leichter Award for Veronika Helfert

January 9, 2021

On 23 December 2020, Veronika Helfert, Postdoctoral Fellow in the ZARAH research project at the Department of History and Department of Gender Studies at the Central European University, was awarded the Käthe Leichter Prize (sponsored by the Austrian National Library) for her research achievements on, among other things, questions of gender relations and democracy, especially in historical ruptures, as well as political parties and organisations of working environments. 

Statement in Support of CEU Student Aliaksandr Bystryk

November 24, 2020

Central European University (CEU) expresses its grave concern over the repeated detentions and sentencing of its doctoral student at the Department of History, Aliaksandr Bystryk, in Belarus. Aliaksandr was earlier detained on August 12, then on November 15 (along with his wife and CEU graduate Marylia Sliaptsova) while peacefully protesting, along with tens of thousands of Belarusian citizens, against the outcome of the presidential elections, which were widely condemned by international monitors as neither free nor fair.