
Call for Papers: Europe‘s Past, Present, and Future: Utopias and Dystopias

October 9, 2019

The 27th International Conference of Europeanists will take place in Reykjavík, Iceland on June 22-24 in 2020.

The deadline for submissions is looming close, please submit your panels by October 15.

Please note, the deadline this year is rather strict as the CES is warning that there will not be a long extension to the CFP this year.

See the attached poster and below link for more information.

Call for papers: Nationalist Historiography in Post-Communist South Caucasus

August 29, 2019

Call for Papers

Nationalist Historiography in Post-Communist South Caucasus 

Nationalism Studies and History Departments, Central European University

February 7-8, 2020 - Budapest, Hungary | Apply by:  October 10

Keynote: TBA   | Nino Chikovani, Head of Institute of Cultural Studies, Tbilisi State University;

 (unconfirmed) Davit Kolbaia, Kartvelologist at Center for Eastern European Studies, University of Warsaw;

Constantin Iordachi receives 2019 CEU Award for Outstanding Research

July 8, 2019

This award recognizes outstanding  research output by CEU faculty.

New publication by Constantin Iordachi

Liberalism, Constitutional Nationalism, and Minorities

The Making of Romanian Citizenship, c. 1750–1918